What to eat during race week and on run day
If you’ve signed up to a running event and your race day is drawing nearer, ...
You spend months running hard and pushing yourself ever further and faster in preparation for the ultimate fitness test; a competitive race. You may have been watching what you eat in the hope that it will maximise your training potential and recovery between run training sessions. But did you know that many runners fall at the last hurdle and under-perform in races, regardless of how fit they are, because they do not prepare themselves adequately in the final few days before and on the day of the running event itself?
For those who are very serious at their sport, their diet before the race could make the difference between winning or not. Did you ever also stop to think that what you eat and drink in preparation for a race could make the difference between completing it or not?
This article will give you some basic guidance for what to do in the last weeks and hours leading up to an event, so that you can maximise your potential.
Before I give more specific details, it is important to make it clear that different races require different nutritional approaches. Many people hear or read about carbohydrate loading (better known as ‘carbo loading’) and assume that they should eat lots of pasta in the run-up to an event, regardless of the type of event they are competing in.
Are you aware that carbo-loading is of little use in short duration, high intensity events and may even make you perform slower as it can cause weight gain? However, if you are in a race lasting 90 minutes or longer (for most of us, that means around 15 miles or more when running), you are likely to perform far more sluggishly and injure yourself if you do not follow the correct regimen?
So where do I start preparing my running diet?
For those of you who are performing in shorter duration events, a moderate carbohydrate diet should suffice. This means eating somewhere between 6-8 grams (g) of carbohydrate per kilogram that you weigh during your training programme and in the days up to an event.
For those of you involved in longer endurance running events, such as the marathon, you should aim to eat a high carbohydrate diet (containing 8-10g per kilogram bodyweight) every day for three days beforehand, which is hopefully similar to your usual intake if your training lasts for 90 minutes or longer on average.
To work out your needs, you firstly have to know your weight in kilograms and then multiply the carbohydrate you require per kilogram by your weight in kilograms. If this sounds a little difficult, the table below gives you an indication of your needs accounting for your body weight. If you aim to eat enough carbohydrate to be somewhere in the relevant range for you, you are on the right lines.
Weight (in stones) |
Weight (in kilograms) |
Carbohydrate requirement in grams | Carbohydrate requirement in grams |
7-8 | 44½ -51 | 270-410 | 360-510 |
8-9 | 51-57 | 310-460 | 410-570 |
9-10 | 57-64 | 342-512 | 460-640 |
10-11 | 64-70 | 380-560 | 510-700 |
11-12 | 70-76 | 420-610 | 560-700* |
12-13 | 76-83 | 460-660 | 610-700* |
13-14 | 83-89 | 500-700* | 660-700* |
* There appears to be no benefit of going above this level.
A good plan for endurance running events is to reduce your training load three days before the race, and to either continue to taper the intensity further in the final two days or choose complete rest. Those of you in shorter duration events may find one day of rest or reduced load sufficient before competition. If you continue to work hard at this time, you will make little or no difference to your fitness level and will also use essential fuel stores that you will need for the event; it’s like last minute revision, of little use!
Now you know how much carbohydrate to eat in the days before a race, the following information should help you to achieve your requirements. The list on the next page gives you an indication of serving sizes of foods that provide you with 15g of carbohydrate (this is by no means an exhaustive list and the amounts below are general guidelines using simple household measuring implements, which you are likely to have at home).
The key to using the table above is to calculate the carbohydrate from the different foods and the number of ‘portions’ of them you have had. For example, two slices of bread provides you with 30g carbohydrate, not including any jam you add!
You will find that the nutritional information for servings on food packaging of processed foods is also helpful in calculating how much carbohydrate you are getting from a particular food. Keep a note of what you are taking in, using this information, in a diary. You can then see at the end of the day if you’ve eaten enough carbohydrate.
A good way to maximise your carbohydrate intake at this time is also to watch you don’t go overboard on fat. The more fat you have, the lower your chances of eating enough carbohydrate, so be careful. Products labelled as ‘low fat’ can be quite helpful in controlling your fat intake.
Try also to be careful how much oil you use in cooking, spread or mayonnaise you use on bread (even if reduced in fat) and cream you use in sauces. It is also sensible to avoid naturally higher fat foods such as whole milk, fatty meats (like burgers and sausages) and high fat cheeses. Good alternatives would be lower fat milks, lean meat and poultry and reduced fat or naturally lower fat cheeses.
Crisps, chocolate and biscuits are all foods that contain carbohydrate, but most types have high fat contents. Do not fill up on these foods if you can, however tempting. If you do want to have something similar with a little less fat, try rice-based snacks, baked crisps and some of the lower fat biscuit varieties, which include ginger nuts, jaffa-cakes, fig rolls, rich tea and fruit-based bars. Other good options would be fruit loaf or currant buns and crumpets. Boiled or jelly-based sweets and sweetened drinks can also help to boost your daily carbohydrate intake if you are struggling.
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