Today's buzz
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The perfect running motion

Top tips for a better running technique

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The health effects of running on the body

How and why your body changes when you start running

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Beginner's guide to running, part three

Staying motivated when out running

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Joining a running club

Benefits of running club membership

Running training

Beginner's guide to running, part one

The first steps to building running fitness

Beginner's guide to running, part two

Running techniques to adopt

Beginner's guide to running, part three

Staying motivated when out running

Beginner's guide to running, part four

A running training programme to try

Beginner's guide to running, part five

Putting your running plan into action

The health effects of running on the body

How and why your body changes when you start running

The perfect runner’s warm-up

A detailed guide to warming up before running

The perfect running motion

Top tips for a better running technique

A to Z of running terms

Our essential A-Z guide to running terms

Training plans

The essential runner's companion!

Common running mistakes and how to avoid them

Avoiding errors while running

Joining a running club

Benefits of running club membership

How to plan your training route

Deciding on where to go running